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- T U L I P S C H M U L I P
- Editorial by Dave Moorman
- WHAT is it with modern corporate
- business in the 21st Century. Tulip
- buys the Commodore Brand, gets all
- over anyone who has ignored uninforced
- copyright laws, uses the "Chicken
- Lips" and famous names like PET and
- VIC on several music devices, produces
- the C64 DTV...
- Then sells the rights to someone
- else. For 24,000,000 Euros, no less. I
- did some web searching for the
- purchase price in 1997 -- an event
- that went completely unnoticed. But
- I'm willing to bet they weren't hurt
- by this latest deal. These faceless
- immortal beings always land on their
- feet!
- The C-64 came out of the
- individual pursuits of human beings.
- They may not have been nice human
- beings. Jack Tramiel was noted for his
- "No quarter asked, no quarter given"
- business style. But he provided a
- "face" to Commodore and the drive to
- produce a "Computer for the Masses,
- not the Classes."
- But once Jack bugged out, CBM
- became a faceless mass of golden
- parachute knitters -- "Consistantly
- Bad Management" -- which did
- everything in its power to get free of
- the lowly C-64. There was cheering and
- partying in Westchester when the C-64
- sold 800,000 units in 1992. But the
- hurrah was not because of the success.
- It was finally a [failure]! By
- dropping below 1 million units a year,
- the C-64 became officially
- unprofitable enough to drop.
- One year later, Commodore was in
- receivership.
- Hmmmm. In 1997, Softdisk happily
- let LOADSTAR spin away to J & F
- Publishing, Inc. Whew -- got THAT
- loser off our backs! In about a year,
- Softdisk ownership was sold, and the
- company got out of publishing all
- together.
- Meanwhile, ordinary people, people
- with faces and brains and a remarkable
- lack of greed have made the "chicken
- lips" logo mean something. WE have
- taken this "intellectual property" and
- added value to it, kept it going,
- found new ways to enjoy computing
- through it. We have attached all sorts
- of gizmos, even a PC or two. But we
- never slapped a "chicken lips" on an
- iPod and called it an "e-VIC" -- as if
- the NAME itself had magical properties
- that would cause millions of people to
- rush out and buy one!
- Actually, I have every respect for
- the ordinary joe or jill who is making
- a living within these faceless
- immortal behemoths or (in the case of
- Tulip) behemoth-wannabes. They have a
- job to do: to wit, make a profit for
- the company. So they talk themselves
- into a strange trance with mantras
- like: "chicken lips will sell egg
- beaters..." Soon they believe it. Then
- they spend a big chunk of money. Then
- they discover they were only fooling
- themselves. Then they have to get some
- other behemoth into a strange
- trance...
- Fortunately, all this happens far
- away from my desk. The mighty LOADSTAR
- Tower was built, floor by floor, by
- LOADSTARites who want a bit of good,
- interactive entertainment each month.
- And we do our best to provide it. No
- big intellectual property right
- purchases. No golden parachutes. No
- marathon executive marketing meetings
- in a darkened room, lit only by the
- PowerPoint projection (and soft
- snoring from the editor).
- Just a guy, a bunch of hobbyist
- programmers and writers all around the
- world, and a gal to stuff the
- envelopes.
- Good bye, Tulip. It's been nice.
- Thanks for the C64 DTV. That one was a
- real surprise. But if the past is any
- indication, Tulip will be gone in
- about a year. But LOADSTAR will be
- here until issue 256.
- At the very least.